Friday, April 4, 2008

In Geary's Country to Celebrate an Amazing Person

My step mom passed away recently after a 6 year long battle with cancer. She fought it until the end but after numerous different treatments she had no more fight left in her and the oncologists had no more options. She will be missed by all who knew her and all of our friends and family have been very supportive of me and more importantly of my Dad.

I am in Maine to celebrate her life and not mourn her death as she was an amazing person who was so full of life that she will always be an inspiration for me. She was smart, compassionate, hard working and adventurous. It is still pretty surreal that she isn't around.

Her and my Dad sailed a 36 foot sailboat from Pemaquid Point, Maine to Daytona, FL. They also had their beloved Samoyed named Sam with them. My parents may not have been creative with naming their dogs but they were good sailors and great dog trainers. This dog actually knew the meaning of a poop deck. Enough said. She mountain biked with my sister and I and even after wiping out in some sand and hitting her chin on the handlebars she still kept going. She even wanted to do a keg stand at a Labor Day Birthday Party that was thrown for me and about 8 of my homeys. I was so concerned she would get hurt I overruled her. I know she understood but hopefully didn't hold it against me for robbing her of that little adventure. I am not sure how many tequila shots my Dad handed out that day but I am pretty sure the number was more than enough as anyone who saw the WittDaddy choreographed butt dance can attest to.

So as I am up here celebrating her life I am taking advantage of the trip to Maine to drink Geary's Summer Brew which was recently released. YUMMY! I know my step-mom would approve and I will spend time with a lot of the guys who were at the Labor Day Birthday Party on the near keg stand night and we will all raise a glass for her. Although Grape Ape might not have anything to drink as he always thought she was a pusher. He will be the only one to get that joke but someday I will elaborate on that story. He drinks Shityard anyways so we don't care if he drinks. That party was 12 or 13 years ago but we are still great friends and the guys are like brothers to me. Plus they are older than me which I get to rub in.

I love you and miss you and know you are in a better place. I hope you enjoy looking down upon us tomorrow as we celebrate your life.

1 comment:

mjolnir2k said...

Hey, It was such a great way to Remember Trish, having all your family and friends together again. I hope you, your Sister and your Dad are at peace and doing well. I am sure that's how Trish would want it!