Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Quick history--last June:

When my wife and I moved to Miami I worked for a large tech firm in New England. We will call it company X. They relocated me to Miami and I worked for them for a year from Miami. (My total time with X was about 3 years.) Due to a circuitous reporting structure I reported to the parent company in Canada and they laid me off last June. I didn't blame the local management and understood the issues so I left professionally without burning bridges.

Present time:

My wife and I are moving back to New England and Company X got wind of this and reached out to me to offer me a job! They are now a regional company again with very limited reporting back to Canada and the team I was working with is still largely in place.

I have been very happy with my current employer and feel a lot of loyalty to the family that owns the company but sometimes you have to go with your gut...oh and the hefty raise didn't hurt.

Karma...Company X made a point to let me know that the reason I was getting the offer was due to my professionalism when I left and my open communications with Company X since my departure.

Who knew....what goes around does actually come around.

So back to the application development world which I have missed and apparently back to Portland a place I have missed and love.

This changes my wife's search area quite significantly but she has some good leads.

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